Preventing Quartz Countertops from Cracking

Quartz stone has now become one of the main countertops of cabinets, but quartz stone has thermal expansion and contraction. Once the plate exceeds the tolerance range, the pressure brought by external thermal expansion and contraction and external impact will cause the quartz stone countertop to crack. How can we prevent it?

Because quartz stone has thermal expansion and contraction properties, when installing quartz stone countertops, you should pay attention to leaving a distance of 2-4mm between the countertop and the wall to ensure that the countertop will not crack in the later stage. At the same time, in order to prevent the possibility of deformation or even fracture of the table top, the distance between the table top and the support frame or support plate should be kept less than or equal to 600 mm.


The installation of quartz stone has never been a straight line, so splicing is involved, so the physical properties of quartz stone need to be considered, otherwise it will lead to cracking of the splicing seam, and the connection position is also very important. Connection, to fully consider the force of the plate.


What about corners? The corner should be kept with a radius of more than 25mm to avoid cracking at the corner due to stress concentration during processing.


Having said so much, let’s talk about another opening! The position of the hole should be more than 80mm away from the edge, and the corner of the hole should be rounded with a radius of more than 25mm to avoid cracking of the hole.


In daily use

The kitchen consumes a lot of water, so we should try to keep the quartz stone countertops dry. Avoid high-temperature pots or items that are in direct contact with the quartz stone countertop. You can first place it on the stove to cool down or put a layer of heat insulation.


Avoid cutting hard items on the quartz stone countertop, and you cannot cut vegetables directly on the quartz stone countertop. Avoid contact with chemical substances, which will cause corrosion of the quartz stone countertop and affect its service life.


Whether it is before installation or in daily life, we should avoid any problems and prevent problems before they happen.

Post time: Dec-09-2022